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Equitable Distribution Lawyer in Redbank, NJ

Equitable Distribution Attorney in Redbank, NJ

Understanding Division of Property in a Divorce

When it comes to distributing assets during a divorce, New Jersey is an “equitable distribution” state, meaning that assets and debt acquired during a marriage are to be distributed fairly and reasonably. Unfortunately, this can be an area of contention between you and your spouse. As both parties stake claims to the property and assets they believe are rightfully theirs, disputes often arise.  

Ensuring the accurate identification and valuation of your shared assets can be the most important part of protecting your wealth. The process of identifying and valuing assets is a critical piece of any divorce distribution. No matter how complex the marital estate is or how vast its size is, you must retain an attorney who has the experience necessary to handle any asset and debt distribution matter. At the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino, our lawyers will protect your interests and those of your children throughout the entire divorce process.

The Basics of Equitable vs. Equal Division of Property

The marital assets, property, and debt that have been accumulated throughout your marriage are divided fairly and equitably by the court. It is important to note that equitable distribution does not necessarily mean your assets will be divided into equal parts; however, only an accomplished New Jersey equitable distribution attorney can confirm this.

The final determination regarding what is fair and reasonable may be achieved through one of several methods:

  1. Direct negotiations between you and your spouse
  2. Negotiations between the attorneys for each party
  3. Mediation
  4. Arbitration
  5. Determination by a judge after a trial
Division of Property Lawyer in Redbank, NJ

Understanding How New Jersey Law Approaches Property Division in Divorce

In New Jersey, all assets acquired during the marriage are generally subject to equitable distribution. This includes real estate, bank accounts, investments, retirement funds, and even business interests. However, the law recognizes that certain assets may be considered separate property.

Separate property generally encompasses assets owned by one spouse before the marriage, inheritances received by one spouse, or gifts specifically given to one spouse. Separate property is typically not subject to distribution. Determining whether an asset is marital or separate property can be complex, highlighting the need for experienced legal guidance.

New Jersey’s equitable distribution statute includes a long list of factors to be considered when the time comes to divide marital assets. While each enumerated factor is considered, some factors are given more weight to determine fairness than others – such as the duration of the marriage and the standard of living established during the marriage. See the full text of the statute below for additional insight as to the many factors considered in equitable distribution. 

In making an equitable distribution of property, the court shall consider, but not be limited to, the following factors:

At the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino, our divorce attorneys are well-versed in analyzing the factors that determine the division of assets. Our team is dedicated to advocating for our client’s best interests while navigating the complex legal process of divorce. 


Protecting Your Rights to Property During Divorce With a Reliable Equitable Distribution Attorney

Because of all the twists, turns, and variable results that are possible in distributing assets, it is imperative to have an experienced divorce attorney at your side. Proper evaluation, preparation, and education of marital property vs. separate property, are the best ways to protect your assets and your rights during your divorce. When it comes to understanding equitable distribution, it is essential to have a true and accurate understanding of all your property division rights including, but not limited to:

  • Homes (including vacation and investment properties)
  • Bank Accounts
  • Airline points
  • Timeshares
  • Annuities
  • Investment Portfolios
  • Stocks
  • Business ownership interests
  • Retirement Plans, including:
    • 401K, 403B, and IRA accounts
    • Pension plans
    • Deferred compensation plans
    • Profit sharing plans
    • SERPs
  • Inheritance assets
  • Vehicles
  • Collectibles
  • Personal possessions
  • Life Insurance Cash Value
  • Mortgages
  • HELOCs
  • Credit Card debts

Property division is a critical aspect of the legal process in a divorce. It’s crucial to understand your rights and options to ensure a just outcome for your future. That’s where a skilled equitable distribution attorney from the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino Esq., LLC, who is dedicated to family law, particularly in equitable distribution, can provide valuable insights and make all the difference. Our attorney’s experience in matters of property division, along with effective communication skills, will guide you through the legal intricacies, advocate for your best interests, and strive to achieve a fair settlement that protects your financial well-being. Choosing the right attorney is an important decision; our local attorney will help gather the necessary documentation, present a compelling case, and negotiate effectively on your behalf.

Let Our Divorce Lawyer Safeguard Your Financial Future Post-Divorce

As you transition into life after a legal separation or divorce, ensuring your financial stability becomes paramount, as this is an important part of the divorce process and the legal proceedings, whether it is a no-fault or fault divorce. There are no second chances to get what is rightfully yours. Once the divorce is finalized, you cannot reclaim what has already been lost. 

Whether you are considering a divorce or are already engaged in the divorce process, you need an equitable distribution attorney who will take the time to inform you about your rights and what to expect during your divorce—so you are not caught off guard. The New Jersey divorce lawyers at the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino, Esq., LLC will work with you to preserve and protect your share of equitable distribution.

Obtaining a favorable divorce settlement with the help of a skilled divorce lawyer is a significant step; however, it’s equally important to plan for your long-term financial well-being, which is also a crucial part of the divorce process. This involves making informed decisions and seeking appropriate legal representation from a divorce lawyer to protect your interests and build a secure future for yourself. Remember, a divorce settlement is not merely about dividing assets; it’s about securing your financial independence.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between equitable and equal distribution of property?

Equitable distribution, as opposed to equal distribution, doesn’t necessarily mean a 50-50 split of property. Instead, New Jersey divorce law aims for a fair division, considering factors like each spouse’s contributions to the marriage and their economic circumstances as defined by family law cases.

New Jersey law considers various factors, such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s contributions (financial and non-financial), and their earning capacity, to reach a fair property division in divorce cases, often guided by legal expertise relevant to family law.

Inheritances received during your marriage could be considered separate property, not subject to division. However, seeking legal advice from a family law attorney is crucial to navigating the complexities of the divorce process and ensuring your inheritance is protected.

An equitable distribution lawyer in Redbank, NJ can assist you in navigating the complexities of asset division during divorce proceedings, ensuring a fair and just distribution of marital property according to New Jersey laws. They provide legal expertise to protect your rights and secure your entitlements.


Speak with Our Equitable Distribution Lawyer Today

Navigating the complexities of divorce proceedings can be emotionally and financially challenging. At the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino, Esq., LLC, our team of New Jersey divorce lawyers understands the importance of safeguarding your financial future post-divorce. We are dedicated to advocating for your rights and ensuring that you receive your fair share of equitable distribution.

Don’t navigate this crucial time alone. Speak with our equitable distribution lawyer today to take proactive steps toward securing your financial independence and a stable future. Let us work together to protect your interests and guide you through this process with compassion and expertise.