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Child Custody Lawyer in Little Silver, New Jersey

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Child Custody Options & Guidelines

Child Custody Lawyer in Red Bank, NJ

New Jersey Child Custody Options

Joint Legal Custody

This type of child custody arrangement is the most common since it allows both parents to actively participate in their child’s life. Typically, with joint legal custody, one parent serves as the primary residential custodian for the child, and the other parent serves as the alternate. In joint legal custody situations, both parents are responsible for making joint decisions for their children on major issues such as health, education, and general welfare. The primary custodial parent is responsible for day-to-day decisions and should consult with or notify the non-custodial parent when appropriate. The parent who has the child in his or her care at any given time is expected to make decisions that are in the child’s best interest.

Sole Legal and Physical Custody

In a sole legal and physical custody arrangement, one parent serves as the residential custodial parent. That parent makes all major decisions regarding the child (health, education, and welfare), as well as all day-to-day decisions without the need to consult with or notify the noncustodial parent. Sole custody is rarely awarded in New Jersey, except for extreme circumstances in which one parent is deemed to be absent or unfit or in cases where there is a history of child neglect, drug addiction, substantiated DYFS matters, etc.

Shared Legal and Physical Custody

Many New Jersey parents desire this shared child custody arrangement because it represents a more equal division of parenting time. In this custody arrangement, both parents share decision-making power and physical custody. A typical example would be alternating weeks, where one parent has one week with the child and the other parent has the next. Another example of a shared legal and physical custody arrangement could be a schedule where one parent has four days with the child including overnights, while the other parent has three days with the child including overnights.

Finding the Best Custody Option with a Child Custody Lawyer

Child custody issues can be emotionally difficult, and our child custody lawyers will work with you to identify your needs, help you understand your options, and reduce your anxiety throughout this process. We provide you with the education, tools, and guidance you need to make thoughtful decisions to protect the best interests of your family.

We encourage you to call us to request an initial consultation with a child custody lawyer from our family law firm. At your appointment, an experienced family law attorney will thoroughly review all of your options and advise you on the best strategy to successfully address even the most complex child custody issues. After deciding which option is best, you will be assisted in carefully crafting a sensible custody and parenting time plan. This visitation plan will be designed specifically for you and your family and will take into consideration various factors, such as:

Work schedules



Childcare needs

Extended family members

And more

No matter which child custody option is right for your family, our child custody attorneys will protect your rights and safeguard your child’s welfare. Contact us today at (732) 741-2600 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced child custody attorney.

Visitation or Parenting Time Plans

In New Jersey, courts refer to time parents spend with their children as “parenting time,” rather than “visitation.” This acknowledges the importance of each parent’s role, regardless of whether a child spends nearly equal time with each parent or lives with one parent most of the time. Whatever your child custody arrangement, there will be various options available for structuring parenting time. If you and your child’s other parents already have a decision about the basic form of child custody you will be following, child custody attorneys at the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino, Esq., LLC. can help you craft a sensible New Jersey parenting plan designed to meet the needs of your family both now and well into the future. Find out about parenting time arrangements.

Examples of Parenting Time Arrangements in New Jersey

Under New Jersey law, co-parents can structure parenting time in any way manageable for them, provided that the plan serves their child’s best interests. Parenting time is linked to physical custody as opposed to legal custody

While several different physical custody arrangements might work well for your family, most parents begin with one of the following standard formats:

One primary residential parent and one alternate residential parent

Under this arrangement, a child spends the majority of the week residing with the parent who has primary physical custody. The other parent generally follows a fairly traditional visitation schedule, spending alternate weekends with the child. If practical, the “alternate” parent often also has a regular mid-week dinner or other special mid-week activity with the child.

Shared physical custody

Parents who wish to share physical custody can construct a schedule that allows them equal or nearly equal parenting time. This may consist of alternating weeks, or it may consist of shorter blocks of alternating time. While alternating weeks offers simplicity, shorter blocks of time tend to work better for younger children. Some families also prefer shorter blocks because this creates fewer long absences between the child and either parent.

Sole physical custody

When one parent has sole physical custody, visitation may be more limited. If some circumstance exists that makes it in the child’s best interest for visitation to be severely limited or even supervised, the schedule must be tailored accordingly. Parents are rarely locked into such limitations permanently. Courts favor liberal visitation, except when contrary to the child’s best interests.
Child Custody Lawyer in Red Bank, NJ
Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino Esq., LLC

Constructing a Parenting Time Plan

Important Terms to Include in Parenting Time Plans

Parenting plans are most effective when they are specific and detailed. Parents who get along well with one another sometimes want to keep plans general, in the belief that this will provide greater flexibility. While maintaining flexibility will serve parents well, enforcement of vague plans often proves to be difficult or impossible. Having a child custody lawyer navigate you through this process will deter problems regarding Parenting Time in the future.

The best plans are tailored to the needs of an individual family. Among important items to include are the following:

  • A designation of legal and physical custody,
  • A description of the time-sharing arrangement,
  • A description of any changes in time-sharing that will occur during school vacation periods,
  • Provisions addressing transportation,
  • Provisions addressing birthdays (both children’s and parents’), as well as special holidays such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and traditional or religious family holidays,
  • Provisions addressing travel out of the state or out of the country, and
  • A description of access to and sharing arrangements regarding school and medical records.
Child Custody Attorney in Red Bank, NJ
Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino Esq., LLC

What Circumstances can Cause a Child Custody Modification?

Experienced Child Custody Lawyers

Little Silver Child Custody Lawyers Providing the Help You Need

Retaining a highly qualified child custody lawyer can help properly position you for parenting time or child custody modification. A seasoned child custody lawyer can also help you fight against an unwanted change. The welfare of your children is always our first priority. Our Little Silver child custody lawyers work diligently and efficiently to protect your ever-changing needs—and the needs of your children.

If you believe a change to your existing child custody and parenting time provisions is necessary, our child custody lawyers will evaluate those issues with you, so you can choose the option that is best for you and your family. Take the first steps towards a more secure future with your kids. Call (732) 741-2600 today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced child custody lawyer at the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantinto, Esq., LLC.

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33 °F


21 mph

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45 %


About Little Silver, NJ

In the heart of Little Silver NJ, nestled within latitude 40.3376° N and longitude 74.0346° W, sits the renowned Law Offices of Sylvia Costantino. The Red Bank Family Law Attorneys team has a unique connection to this vibrant community, where life revolves around a population of 5,813 individuals.

With a rich history etched into its very essence, Little Silver boasts landmarks such as the Parker Homestead, one of the earliest government buildings, and Sickles Park, a treasured local retreat. Alongside, landmarks such as Riverview Medical Center and Molly Pitcher Inn grace the locale, adding to the spectrum of opportunities at every corner. It's these unique aspects that the Law Offices of Sylvia Costantino taps into, offering community-driven legal services.

In Little Silver's varied climate, our attorneys remain alert to the legal implications of meteorological changes, ensuring clients are protected. Our firm is a stickler for local regulations, always compliant and up-to-date in our practices. We work across neighborhoods, such as Silverside Ave, Seven Bridges Road, and Prospect Avenue, even spanning across to Markham Place and Willow Drive, to address a myriad of family law needs.

In synergy with Little Silver's eco-conscious community, we embrace an environmentally friendly approach in our operations. We proudly use recycled materials and advocate for sustainable practices at work, committing ourselves to the green initiative.

The Law Offices of Sylvia Costantino is more than just a law firm. We're your neighbors, intricately entwined with the fabric of Little Silver, NJ. Join us and experience our bespoke Red Bank Family Law Attorneys services - committed to championing your rights and varying needs. Together, we will make a difference in our beloved community.

Map of Little Silver, NJ