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High Asset Divorce Lawyer in Red Bank, NJ

High Asset Divorce Lawyer in Red Bank, NJ

What Is a High Asset Divorce in NJ?

First, there is a lot more at stake—often in terms of your marital investments. Second, all assets will need to be accurately identified as marital or premarital property.  If the asset is deemed to marital in whole or in part, then the same has to be valued, and how to distribute it must be negotiated between the parties.

Some categories of assets that must be analyzed in a High Asset Divorce are:

  • Business Partnerships or other Business Interests
  • Executive Compensation and “Top Hat” benefits
  • Stock options and stock voting rights
  • Assets held in Trust
  • Real estate holdings
  • Savings and investment accounts
  • Retirement accounts and inheritances

How Do I Protect Assets During a High Asset Divorce?

Key to ensuring that your assets are protected during the divorce process is to ensure that you have a full inventor of assets at issue.  You should compile a list of accounts, including bank, brokerage, retirement and any other accounts, deeds to real estate holdings, operating agreements for any business interests an anything else to assist in identifying the assets that will need to be analyzed.  In most high asset divorces, a forensic accountant will be retained to do a net worth statement and likely a cash flow analysis.  Having the documents and forensic analysis to support your position can be the most effective way to settle any disputes, presuming the other side remains reasonable.

Once you have a strong sense of your financial situation, meet with a financial advisor or tax professional to discuss the tax implications of your divorce and settlement. While your divorce attorney will be your go-to resource during the asset division process, your financial advisor is a key player as well. That person will be responsible for ensuring that your savings are protected during the divorce and that tax fallout is minimal.

High Asset Divorce Lawyer
Top-Rated Monmouth County Divorce Lawyers

How Our Experienced Top-Rated Monmouth County Divorce Lawyers Can Help in a High asset Divorce

Our Monmouth County divorce lawyers work with clients in high asset divorces on a daily basis and ensures that the right team of professionals such as a forensic accountant are lined to be part of your team.  We will meet with you to ensure that you understand the various issues that need to be resolved to settle your divorce case.  We work tirelessly to achieve positive results for our clients.  While these types of divorce cases can result in a lengthier process than the average case to get you to the finish line, you need aggressive and assertive legal representation to see you through.  

No matter where you live in New Jersey, from Red Bank, Holmdel, Colts Neck, Middletown, Rumson, Fair Haven, Shrewsbury, just to name a few, the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino Esq, LLC is ready to serve you.  We even serve clients in Ocean, Middlesex, Somerset and surrounding counties.

Contact Us Today

Reach Out Today to the Monmouth County Divorce Lawyers at the Law Offices of Sylvia S. Costantino Esq., LLC to Schedule Your Free Consultation

As a client of our firm, we will be dedicated to your cause in helping you achieve success in your in high asset divorce case. Call us today to schedule your free consultation with an experienced high asset divorce lawyer in Monmouth County.